My Top Books – Self Help

I don’t get a lot of time to read, but when I do, it better be something good…something worth my while which is why I am listing my top books. The possibilities are endless though. There can be a different book for everyday and every mood. What would be in your top books list?

My main focus is self help books. They are great for so many areas and aspects of our lives including just the normal day to day grind of our lives. No matter if you are a doctor, lawyer, teacher, mail man, machinest, stay at home mom…it doesn’t matter, we all have areas of our lives that need improvement and encouragement to keep going every day.

It took me awhile to figure out how much reading something positive and motivating every day could impact my life, but even 10, 15, 20 minutes a day can make such a big difference and before you know it, you can’t put the book down.

There are so many benefits to reading other than self help though…here are some other reasons you should take a little time each day. Things I’ve gained from the top books I’ve listed and benefits to all who read…

  • Mental Stimulation – which can ward off things like Alzheimer’s and Dementia – keeping your brain strong, active and engaged.
  • Less Stress – letting yourself get lost in another world for awhile can melt away the tension.
  • Knowledge – fill every little nook and cranny in your brain with new and interesting things.
  • Memory Improvement – I need that!
  • Can help improve Focus and Concentration
  • Peace and Tranquility

Here is a list of some of my top books (click on each book to get access to it):

top books

Go get the life you want. Be a Rhinoceros! You will have challenges along the way, but damn the torpedos! When you are a massive rhino with 2 inch thick skin, those torpedos will bounce right off of you! Keep running…keep pushing ahead…nothing can stop you now! This book is a super fun and inspiring book…it’s a quick read full of energy. It’s all about setting goals and charging after them letting nothing get in your way.

(Back cover reads) In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.- Dr. Joseph Murphy

(Back cover reads) Drawn from the Biblical text which reads “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, James Allen’s work As a Man Thinketh has been for over a century a guide and inspiration for those who need direction and to find their path in life. Allen makes the bold yet simple assertion that a man can be successful if the thinks it’s so, and a man will fail if he thinks that, too. This work may be brief, but its timeless message of hope and empowerment compels readers to stand up and take responsibility for their own success.

Your Dream. God’s Plan is not only inspiring but heartwarming and real.As you follow along with Tiffany’s journey of battling cancer at a young age followed by a paralyzing stroke, your heart will break and then fill up with hope and joy as you read this incredibly beautiful story.

This is an incredibly inspiring book as well. Gabby talks about her addiction to drugs along with the anxiety and depression that she went through as a very young adult and how she overcame it. The Universe Has Your Back literally means exactly that. The energy and thoughts you send out to the universe greatly impacts how your days will go. I’ve learned a great deal from this book!