Mobile…what does it stand for these days?  It stands for so much.  Almost everything is Mobile today.   The Entertainment and Functionality available to us on our Phones is literally becoming unlimited.  You can run an entire business within the palm of your hand, connect to calls and apps with wearables (Watches, Jewelry, clothing).  All that packed into the devices we cannot live without. Who would have thought even 20 years ago that our lives would become so mobile?


InPersona and Helo Health for Mobile: The InPersona app is actually a Web 3.0 DApp (decentralized app) that runs on the Vyvo Smart Chain. And it is the core component for our community that is creating the first Decentralized Digital Health platform. This is going to blow your mind. You need to go check it out now and start learning about protecting your health data while you earn! See more info HERE.

Amazing things are happening in the mobile world. It just keeps getting better and better. It’s absolutely unbeliveable what we can access at the tips of our fingers now. The devices we have access to today will better our tomorrow in the health and wellness industry. Making it easier to communicate with friends, family and doctors alike.