Best Keto Cookies and Brownies

I found the best keto cookies and brownies! Five years ago, I went gluten free to see if my health would start to improve. Two years ago, I got the official “you have Celiacs Disease” report not much to my surprise. In addition to never eating gluten again, I have also found that I feel best when I avoid grains and refined sugar all together. So, I often turn to Keto, paleo or low carb recipes to fulfill my dietary needs and boy, do I feel much better!

While I consider myself a really good cook and love to bake yummy things from scratch, finding a really good keto cookie recipe that didn’t dry out or taste just ok was frustrating. Until I found the BEST Keto Cookies and Brownies!

The Best Keto Cookies and Brownies…

One day as I was perusing the internet on a quest for yet another version of the best keto cookies and brownies that I could make from scratch (because all of the other mixes I had tried were not great) I came across this… THESE Amazing mixes!

Get Yours HERE

I waited ever so patiently for my order to arrive thinking I probably just wasted more money again because everyone claims their recipes and mixes are the best keto cookies and brownies. Well, Ohhhh My goodness …Let me tell you – these mixes are AMAZING!! No cooling aftertaste like you get from so many low carb sweeteners. No dry, crystally texture once cooled…Nada!! So, so, freaking good!! Can you tell I’m excited??

My keto/low carb baking woes are over. I will likely never have to look again so long as these yummy little mixes keep showing up in my mailbox. And even better is that you can take these mixes and turn them into other yummy concoctions.

Oh the Possibilities… Go HERE to get some

You can use the Magic Cookie Bar mix to make either straight up delicious cookies, or you can turn them into some amazing Keto bars.

The other day, I made the brownie mix and then stirred up some Kite Hill “cream cheese” along with some low carb sweetener, an egg and some vanilla and spooned it on top of the brownie batter and swirled it to make “cream cheese” brownies…WOW! Just wow…My life is forever changed!

Get Your Hands on these amazing mixes NOW! 🙂